Saturday, February 20, 2010

Company Annual Dinner@Tarik-Orang

I is lazy to write too much... still CNY mood ok... so this is gonna be just an entry with many pictures taken during the 2009 annual dinner of the company that I work in...

Pullman, quite majestic from this angle...

looked so complicated liddat...

the main table...

some appetizers/snacks I think...


I typically like this shot... =)

all the food...

played some games...

and of course, lotsa pictures taken...

me with the Frenchman...

with Kelly & Sze Wen at the Royal Oak...

caught it the act... before heading over to Pullman's poolside bar...

Anna was delighted, with a =.=''' Alan looking at JF's haul...

at Liquid... nice environment and setting ehh??

many shots were taken at the pool side, with different poses, patterns and angles...

it was a fun night... =)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

new toy for the camera IV

my itchy hands syndrome (IHS) struck again a couple of weeks ago... =.='''''

and I ended up with this Canon 55-250mm lens...

as well as this cool DSLR backpack, and the best thing is, I can fit in my netbook in the front compartment too... =)

am so gonna be broke during CNY 2010.... T__T'''

**past camera posts:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

DEFINE Party...

got a call sometime back in early this year regarding an invitation to a DunHill party at BarZ!ng...
said okay and the invitation cards/tickets were prompty sent... and I was allowed to bring a friend there as well...

the invitation cards... =)

promo girl, Herman, and myself...
*brought along my camera, but this one was scanned from the poloroid given at the door...*

poloroid pictures given as souvenir...

together with a lighter as door gift...

beer was on the house... *free first bucket per person*

another colleague - Ehren was there also...

Sylvester & Evelyn were at the other end...
hahahah... Kuching very the small... =.=""

highlight for the night - saucy pole dancing by some pole dancers from KL *I think one la...*

met new friends...

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

another round of buffet...

went for another round of Hilton Beef & Oyster buffet becoz As-X was back in Kuching for a short break... and die die wanna go have oysters... =.=''''

the bugger digging into those oysters......